Saturday, March 13, 2010

More Conversations.

Tired. Oh, so tired!
Everyone needs attention.
Same conversation every 5 minutes.
Alzheimers is EXHAUSTING.
I don't fit in.
Friends dealing with heavy issues.
My mind.
Need healing.
Need hugs more.
Need to cry.
Ministry. Rewarding. But tiring.
Minimum wage is getting hard to live on.
Pressure. I don't know if I have what it takes:
*to be everything I need to at work.
*to be the right daughter & sister.
*to be the right leader at church.
*to be the friend I want to be.
*to be free of my issues. Free of bondage.
Longing to go to Disneyland.
Wishing I could afford to go see Beth Moore.
Need refreshment.
Need adventure.
Really, really need to travel.
But YOU. YOU don't have expectations for me.
YOU don't want me to look and act a certain way.
YOU are crazy about me.
YOU offer relieve.
YOU have it all figured out- I don't have to!
YOU are crazy about me.
YOU are doing something incredible.
YOU are not based on how I feel of how I act.
YOU are amazing, awesome, all-powerful, refreshing, light, healing balm, freedom, comfort, fullfillment.
YOU are the answer.
Praise you!


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