When God puts one of our issues right in our face, when we begin to see weaknesses and ugly within ourselves, there's a very specific purpose. We don't usually see it this way, but it's true.
God delights in GOOD. In working everything out to the very best for His kids. If we believe that, and I mean REALLY believe it, seeing weakness in ourselves will suddenly take on an entire new light. No longer will we be ashamed of it. No longer will we feel as if we must not allow others to see it. No longer will we have to dread the inevitable coming of these painful moments of clarity.
Suddenly, we can realize that God allowing us to see within ourselves something that needs healing, work, redeeming, improvement, is only for one reason and one alone. To be done with it. There really is no other explanation Scripturally speaking for this kind of revelation. The Character of God would only place our "ugly" in front of our face to work with us through it until we're over and done with it. He does not intend for us to stare a bad habit in the face or realize we're in a pit of some sort without taking us out. The knowledge would be no good at all if we were intended to simply sit in it. But how often so we?.....How many times have we made a statement like "I know I continue to do that. But I can't change it. It's just who I am." That's so often how we function. Trying to keep the unhealthy parts under control, constantly pushing it down under lock and key. The problem with that is, well, it doesn't work. Eventually, life is gonna get stressful. Busy. Tiring. Chaotic. And in our efforts to hold onto everything at once, we let go of the monster and it rears it's hundred-foot high head. Come on-you know exactly what i'm talking about!
Instead, the King of the Universe desires for us to be strong, dynamic powerhouses that have walked through and OVERCOME our junk so that we can 1.)minister to and affect others who may be going through the same thing some day &
2.) know Him with an intimacy that only comes from needing Him with a desperation because we can't do it on our own. And quite frankly, I'm excited. I'm excited when one of my ugly sides begins to surface a lot, because as humiliating as it can be to have others see or hear it in me, it means I have to deal with it, walk it through with Jesus and hard work and humbling myself before the Body. To be loved and valued enough by God himself that He wants to take time and work making me a more healthy and effective person? That's an honor. That's a very precious and high thing. It's beautiful beyond comprehension. Doesn't the thought just take your breath away?!
What is it for you? For me, it's comparison and jealousy. I struggle deeply with these things and it stops me from being fully the woman I'm meant to be. I'm working on it. And I'm determined to defeat it. What is it for you? How about we stand together, pucker up, and kiss it good-bye?
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