Here's a big one....'s massive.
Let's talk about measuring up.
The truth is, everybody has at least one person they're trying to measure up for. Oh, we may not really know it. We may not recognize that's what's going on. But it's happening.
Most likely, we either adore them or despise them. It may be a co-worker, classmate, fellow worker in ministry, family member. We may be nice to them every day. But we secretly get heated within ourselves whenever we think about their lives. When we look at us put alongside of them. When they are on stage leading worship every week while our talent goes un-noticed in the pew. When they get promoted & we want so badly to be appreciated & recognized instead of her just once. Who is that for you? Get that person or persons in your mind. Picture their faces. We think we hide our jealousy so well from them. We probably don't. And we spend countless moments caught in daydreaming over the ways in which we'd like to look good in front of them. Anybody with me here? Am I lying? Be honest with yourself here. Who's your person?
I have several. It's such a struggle sometimes to see what I think are such amazing lives that I want. I see these girls & want to BE them.
If I continue to dwell on these women and the way I wish I was them, or the jealousy I have over their talents and opportunities, I am going to be eaten alive. I have spent YEARS being envious of people like this. I'm learning something BIG here recently. Jealousy is fatal. It destroys. It kills me being who I'm meant to be. It chokes the person I am from arising. It creates misery, unhappiness, and throws me into a pit that will keep me prisoner from being dynamic, effective, and glorifying to God. I'm coming to realize The root of my jealousy is Insecurity. Insecurity is almost always the root of the worst decisions I've made. It's turned me into a complete idiot at times. I invite you. Test it out and see if it's true. If we stopped measuring ourselves against others, how dynamically would that change our lives?
Let's DO something about this, women. Let's get freed up of insecurity. Sure, it takes work. Nobody who's incredibly healthy, free, & effective gets there by accident. They've worked very hard to get there. If I've learned anything on my journey, it's that radical freedom takes radical measures. RADICAL freedom takes RADICAL measures. What measures do each of us need to take to flourish? Think about it.
Let's learn to look to Jesus and Jesus alone for our worth. For our status. For our identity. Let's quit using these people as our mirror. Look up.
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