Sunday, January 20, 2013

Beautiful seasons: Part 2

Let's take this a step further.
Let's turn it spiritual.
Anyone else wrestle with always being focused and driven toward becoming the person you want to become? Healthy. Dynamic. Powerful. And we never seem to be okay with or satisfied with the person we are because it's not who we WANT to be. We expect better out of ourselves someday. Healthier. Wiser. Deeper, we look at the goal and only at that goal. We miss the beauty of who we are right this very minute.

God knows what's in store for each one of us. How we'll be serving Him in 10 years. The depth we'll gain. The wisdom we'll offer. How much healthier we'll be. But He doesn't only look at that. He actually enjoys us in this very moment. He loves who we are NOW just as much as who we will be. No less. He's okay with the process and the person we are in each season along the way. He finds it endearing.

If that's not an extremely freeing and endearing thought, I don't know what IS!

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