Here's a thought: Your weaknesses can actually end up being a beautiful thing. Ever think of that? Maybe by actually allowing our weaknesses to be known, we will allow the body of Christ to step up and function as the body of Christ SHOULD for once. I'd hope so, anyway. Aren't you tired of portraying yourself to be someone you're not? Of acting like you're so much more put together than you are? I am. So, so tired. And on top of that, I'm tired of anyone who's around me feeling like they have to seem okay if they're not. If you're a mess today, I want you to BE a mess today. Cry. Laugh. Scream. I don't care. But DON'T automatically tell me "Hey. I'm good. How're you?" when I ask.
We're all human. We're all ugly. We're all screw-ups. Why can't we just be more honest about where we're at? Fake-ness and playing dress-up is not helping you. It's hurting you. And the truth is, being completely honest actually shows the cross to be even bigger and MORE beautiful. Our American way of living out Christianity is N-O-T what God's Word gives us for a guideline. It's just not.
So, how're you REALLY doing? Can you be honest about it?
How is Jesus in your way & face & teaching you and shaking you up lately? If He's not, guess who moved & stepped back?
Be real. Be honest. Be all in. Make people uncomfortable and squirmy. Show them you can be messy, free, and in love with Jesus all at once. I dare you. Try it. Be completely raw. See what happens.
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