It's hard to believe I'm home from over a year of doing intense ministry in Houston.
One part of me hates being ripped away from all I've been entrenched in and the other part is mighty relieved to rest and be seeing the faces of those I love after so long. Even if it is only for 2 months.
Yes yes it's true! I'm hoping to go to South Africa in January!
My friend Lisa needs some assistance with
Go check it out! She's making a ginormous and eternal difference in the lives of many children. I intend to leave the first week of January for several months of helping Lisa with some camps among other things.
If you know me at all, you know I have a passion for Africa and am delighted in this opportunity. Hopefully you also know that I firmly see and believe in the importance of every part of the Body working fully together. That means that while I love the traveling and the ministry in other places, I also do not ever discount people who are here, working very hard, and faithfully supporting me in various ways. Because I quite
literally live on that. No joke! I have video and pictures and so many pieces of the last year to share with you. Because of your support you are a part of these pieces. I'm having an open house on the 14th. Also, feel free to contact me if you're interested in seeing and hearing about it all. I'd love to get together and share my heart and life with you.
Here are my very real and very serious needs at this very moment.
Please think very hard about possibly entering into them.
Because by doing so, you are sowing into the work Jesus is doing in Pretoria.
In each of those children. And even in me. (Probably more than you know!)
Thank you and I love y'all more than words.
1. Prayer. Major prayer warriors.
(I've got some junk going on. I can tell you more if you sign on.)
2. At least $3,000. The flying is $1500-2000 and the other costs of living for the few months equal about $1000 more dollars. The flight itself needs to be booked NOW. (It's only 2 months away!)
3. A camera to borrow. My iphone 4 is an 8g with no memory space.
(Hashtag ministrylife)